My horse becomes tense and unfocused when we are at competitions, is there any way to help him relax and concentrate on the task?


In response to stress, several substances are produced in the body that need to be neutralized with the help of other substances. These are available in limited amounts in the body, and to accelerate the process, it's beneficial to supplement these substances through feed or feed supplements. For minor tensions, magnesium in the form of BioMagnesium can be very helpful, but for some horses, BioCool might be a better option as it also provides tryptophan, and vitamins B and C. A stressed horse often suffers from stomach issues as well, which means nutrients are not absorbed as extensively as they normally would be. To stabilize digestion and support the gut flora, products like Diamond V or Fiberplex can be used. These provide prebiotics, i.e., substances that benefit the good microflora and enhance the conditions for better feed utilization.

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